O.K, I know this is my art blog, but I can't resist sharing a bit of midsummer scenery. I am so truly enthralled with the daily bursts of color and form in the garden I can hardly tear myself away from home at this time of year. Sitting on the patio in the early morning sun with a cup of tea, my soul is refreshed, my world is at peace. Hummingbirds chase each other through the bee balm, dragonflies flit around the lilies, bumblebees hover in the cranesbill, a flashy yellow goldfinch perches on the tomato cage. I take the time to -literally - stop and smell the roses. and the peonies. and the petunias. I am thrilled to see a third frilly blossom is open on the hollyhock. She is such a hussy, that hollyhock! I hear the soft chatter of bluebirds, and beep-beeps of the nuthatches and I recognize that soon I will hear nuthatches but no bluebirds. So I savor the gift of their song even more. And I find immense inspiration in all of it.
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